lundi 31 octobre 2016

Remember, remember...

Breaking the news 
Events not to be missed in November!
 For the 6th Graders
Watch and listen in French

Read more in French

Look and answer the questions below.

1° What is the document ? 
2° What can you see?
3° What is the problem?
4° Is the scene inside or outside?
5° This scene illustrates a British festival.
Do you know it?

 Learn more about this festival 
in your English book at pages 142-3...

 Answer these questions on a sheet of paper
and insert this sheet in your Halloween file!

1° What is the name of the hero?  
2° Who was he?
  3° Write the names of his partners.  
4° What was the name of the King?  
5° What was the problem with the King?  
6° Write the poem, then recite it.
  7° Which night the British celebrate on Nov. 5th?
 8° What do people do? 
9° Write "The Fireworks Safety Code"

Create a poster about Guy Fawkes.

For the 8th Graders

            1° What is the document ?

         2° Who is the cartoonist ?

         3° Where is the scene ?

         4° How many people are there in the scene ?

         5° Who and what can you see ?

         6° What is strange ?
Click on the links below and learn more about this event!

Say what is special on Nov. 5.
Make a slideshow and get ready to present it in class.

For the 9th Graders


1° Who can you see in the scene above?
2° What can you see?
3° Where do you think the scene takes place?
4° What is strange?
5° What do you think is  going to happen?


   Use the video  and the extra resources
and find the answers to the following questions
(you can answer in French)
Visionner la vidéo et consulter les ressources supplémentaires 
pour trouver les réponses aux question suivantes 
(vous pouvez répondre en français) 
1° Which festival is celebrated in the UK on Nov.5? Why?
(what was the problem?) 

Quel évènement historique est commémoré au Royaume-Uni le 5 nov? Pourquoi? 
(quel était le problème?)
2° How do the British celebrate?
Comment les Britanniques fêtent-ils cet évènement?
3° Which poem or Nursery rhyme do people recite?
Copy it. 

Quel poème ou comptine les gens scandent-ils à cette occasion?
4°  How was the plot discovered?
Par quel moyen la conspiration fut-elle découverte?
5°  What happened to the conspirators?
Qu'est-il arrivé aux conspirateurs?

Listen  and react.

For the 6th Graders

Happy Poppy Day in the UK!

 Look at the drawing [=dessin] above

and answer the questions.

1° What can you see?

2° What is its botanical name?

3° Which years can you read?

Write them in full letters.

4° Which historical event does "1945" evoke?

5° So, what do British people celebrate 
on Nov.11?

Go further 

Watch and react!
a) Pick up the words 
you understand or recognize.
b) Say what you have understood in French.
 Listen again
 complete with the following words:
torch - Loved - guns - faith - fly
 Dead - lived - sleep  -crosses -poppies

  In Flanders fields the ------------ blow

Between the ------------, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, ----------
Scarce heard amid the ------------ below.

We are the ----------. Short days ago
We ----------, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
  ---------- and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The ----------- ; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break ----------- with us who die
We shall not ------------, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

 Find these words in English, 
then classify them
according to the following categories:

 What is the original story of the Poppy?
  Design your own poppy
 and get ready to say why you wear it!

 For the 8th Graders

Look at the calendar page above 
and read the information in it.

1° How is 11/11 is called?
Which country is it called so?
How do you know?
3° How is this celebration called in France?
4° What kind of day is it in French calendar?
5° As a student, are you concerned
 by  this special day? How?

Read the document below
answer the questions.
 1° What is the document?
How do you know? 

(Give clues from the text)

2° What is the title of the document?

3° What is represented on either side of the title?

4° How many parts does the document have?

5° Which type of phrase starts these parts?

Copy them.

6° Who is the document about?

How do you know?

(quote the text)

7° What is it about?

How do you know?

(quote the text) 

8° Why do you think this document was written?

Make a poster for Remembrance Day.

 For the 9th Graders

Watch the video below and react.

Learn more about the story behind the Poppy!

Copy the text and complete in red 
with the words in the box.
Look at the document below 
and answer the questions.
 1° What is the document?

2° What is it for?

3° Who is it for?

4° When and where is the event?

5° What time is the event planned 

to start and end?

6° Why is this event organized?

7° Who organizes it?

8° How can you contact the event organizers?

9° Which activities are offered to the public?

10°How do the Americans call "Remembrance Day"? 

 Make a newspaper frontpage with the headline:
Why should we remember?
How it works ...
1) Vous tapez le nom du journal (cela vous permet d’utiliser les grands noms de journaux du pays dont vous enseignez la langue et ainsi de travailler le culturel).
2) Vous entrez la date (cela vous permet de donner l’impression d’un journal du jour - ce qui est difficilement possible dans les manuels scolaires).
3) Vous entrez le titre de l’article.
4) Vous tapez le corps de l’article.


England 2-0 France
La Marseillaise sung at Wembley Stadium
during England/France Nov.17

The French national anthem, La Marseillaise, was penned by army engineer Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle during the French revolutionary wars in 1792.   It was originally written as a marching song and the lyrics can only be described as bloodthirsty.

The anthem evokes brutal images of cutting the throats of the enemy and “watering” the fields with their “impure” blood.

Rouget de Lisle called his composition Chant de guerre pour l'armée du Rhin – War song for the Rhine Army – but it became known as the La Marseillaise after being sung by revolutionary volunteers from Marseille marching on Paris in 1792.

One night (mare)
 in Paris and the Stade de France

  The primary values for living a spiritual existence: Peace (peace sign), Love (cupid heart), Life (Egyptian Ankh) and Balance (Daoist Yin & Yang). Seek these. Embody these, and find true happiness.  
A Human Being
A man
A husband and a Father
Whitney Houston
singing "Don't cry for me". 
4-year young boy 
"I will always love you"
by Whitney Houston.

 Just watch and... fill in your heart!

For the 6th Graders 
 Look at the calendar page.
1° What is the date?
 2° What is the topic (=le sujet)?
3° Is it a French festival?
 How do you know?

 4° What is "tolerance" for you?
Find your way through these videos
and speak your mind!



 Make a campaign poster  

1° the slogan
" Everybody's different, nobody's the same.";
2° an illustration or drawing
illustrating the slogan;
3° the information above (ACTION 1);
4° illustrations, drawings or symbols
illustrating the information;
5° your definition of
"To be tolerant is to...".

 For the 8th Graders


1° What is the document?
2° What is the topic (=subject) about?
3° Which tense (=temps) is used?
(the Present, the Past or he Future?)
How do you know? (Give a clue)
4° Say the same 'message' 
by using "can" and "must".
(Help! Look into your English book to refresh your memory about "CAN" +"MUST" )
5° What is " to be intolerant" for you?

 Do you recognize this young lady?

Learn more about her values and her battles!


The document above is called " a Wordle".

1° Read the words that compose it. 

Which word is the biggest? 

Which word(s) are in medium-sized (=de taille moyenne) letters?

Which one is the smallest?

2° Classify them 

by alphabetical order.

3°  What are your favourite "words"?


  Make your own Wordle and send it to your teacher by mail!
 Other resources...

For the 9th Graders
 Watch, listen and make your own mind!
Look, read and react!

Learn more and take notes...
Watch the video below
and answer the questions or complete.

1° Where was Malala Yousafzai born?
  • 2° What is she known for?
  • 3° What views did she write in her blog for the BBC?
  • 4° Who shot her in the head?
  • 5° She was born in (           ).
  • 6° She started a blog in (           ).
  • 7° She was shot in (           ).

  • 8° She was nominated for the Nobel Peace  Prize in (           ).                                                                                                                 For everyone!             

    For the 6th Graders

    ACTION 1
     Read and answer the questions

     1° What is the document about? 2° When is 'Universal Children's Rights?
     (click on the link below)
     3° How many rights are there? 4° What is the key word for each right?
     For example, 'The key word or topic for the first right is "Protection".
    5° Which is your 'favourite" right? Why ?
    ACTION  2
    Meet a Pakistani girl and draw a timeline of her life and fight!

     ACTION 3
    Make a solemn announcement about one of the children's right.
     1° Choose an object, a photo or a symbol linked to it;
    (e.g.: Look! This is... +description)
    2° Present it in public or in a video;
    (e.g.: I think it/he/she represents well/symbolizes...)
    3° Say why it is linked to the children's right you chose.
    (e.g.: In my opinion, ...)

     For the 8th Graders
    ACTION 1
     Read and answer the questions.

     *If you can't see the document properly, click on this link:

    1° What is the document?
    2° When was it adopted ?
    3° Who created it? 
    What does this organization promote?
    4° How many rights can you read?
    5° Re-write these rights with "must" or "can't". 

     ACTION  2
    Watch and report.

      ACTION 3
    Watch and report.

    For the 9th Graders
     ACTION 1
    Watch, listen and write the biogaphy 
    of the history of this teenager. 
      ACTION 2
    Watch, listen and recap the ideas.

    ACTION 3
    Write a speech for Education for All
    and report it in class or in a video.
    1° Draw a plan with a personal introduction, your main ideas and a personel conclusion;
    2° Write your speech;
    3° Get prepared to be convincing!

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