lundi 28 août 2017

Back to School for you students!

Look at the photo above.
Do you know anything about this day? 
Which country? When? Why?

Discover more and amaze your new teacher!

Guess their jobs.

 For the 7th Graders (5ème!)


For the 8th Graders

For the 9th Graders
To be continued...

 Let's revise and branch out!

 For the 7th Graders
For the 8th Graders 
 For the 9th Graders


 For the 7th Graders

Make an illustrated ABC Job Book.
How to... 

Make an illustrated 7 Families Game Card, bring it in class to play!
How to...

For the 8th Graders 

Choose 2 jobs and get prepared
to mime them in class.
Your classmates will be allowed to ask 
Yes/No questions only! 
 you can write 2 riddles about the jobs you like.
You may use the following prompts:
"My ideal job is (artistic).
It requires (long studies).
He or she works (outisde)/needs (gloves)/has to be(creative)/etc.

 For the 9th Graders

Get prepared to interview your classmates about their hobbies, talents or passions
and see if their hobbies or passions 
can become a job!


For everyone 

List your hobbies, talents or passions.
Do you think that one of them
can become a job for you one day?

Did you have a dream job when you were little?
Is it still on your mind 
or have you given up the idea? Why?

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