lundi 10 juillet 2017

Hooray, it's the holidays! Enjoy yourself!

Games and Role-plays 
for the 6th Graders 

Games and Role-plays 
for the 8th Graders

Games and Role-plays 
for the 9th Graders 
Create your own Summer Holiday Book
 to share with
 your new teacher and your classmates 
in September!

Hello, everyone!
Wish you a wonderful summer.
Enjoy this time 
with your friends and family. 
Make the most of it
because life is precious!
 I will not see you in September because I will have changed schools
but I will think of you, always.
 I know you can do very well
with lots of trust, determination, joy and energy!

Your hostess, 
Ms. Bascou, alias Miss B. Forever...


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